This is the homepage of JSanJuan, a free java implementation of the excellent game San Juan. You can play the game against up to three computer opponents or watch the computer play against itself, and you can choose between different types of computer players: Weak or stronger ones, and with different playing styles. The program runs on all platforms supporting the Java language (Microsoft Windows, Apple Macintosh, Linux, ...).
The card game San Juan was created by Andreas Seyfarth and is (c) 2004 alea/Ravensburger. The java implementation was programmed by André Wichmann and may be downloaded and used freely, as long as no profit is made.
11/08/2005: A new and stronger AI called 'Bob' has been added to JSanJuan! It was especially designed for 2 and 3 player games, and plays a lot better than the old AIs. Download version 1.1 in the download section!
10/10/2005: Finally, version 1.0 of JSanJuan has been finished! Download it here. If you encounter any errors, miss a feature, or have any other comment about the program, please send me a mail!